Sailor Venus
Sailor Venus was found in an episode where the scouts were having trouble in a battle. Originally found and accompanied by Artemis, the white cat, she was a spectacular fighter. She proved a strong ally in many episodes. So many I can't even name them. When the scouts found her, they all expected her to be the Moon Princess. But she turned out to only be a scout, and a good friend. She was probably the nicest scout. In one episode the scouts all had a mysterious flu, and Mina (the only one well) was visiting all of their houses and trying to make them feel better. Try as she did, she turned out to be as big a klutz as Serena! Who would've thought?
This page is one of many connected to Sailor Mercury's Sailor Senshi Homepage. It is owned by Eric Hamilton. Please e-mail me for any questions, comments, and suggestions!