The Royal Cats
Luna, Artemis, and Diana...the three Royal Cats, play a big role in Sailor Moon. First. both Luna and Artemis had to do work to find Sailor Moon (found by Luna) and Sailor Venus (found by Artemis). Then Sailor Moon and Luna found the rest of the Sailor Senshi together...
A long time ago, when the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, Queen Serenity sent the two royal cats Luna and Artemis to find the Sailor Senshi on earth, and protect the princess! They obeyed, when they arrived on earth, and began their search. They were seperated though, and found different Sailor Senshi. Artemis found Sailor V(enus) first, and Luna found Sailor Moon first. Eventually, Luna and Sailor Moon found Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars. Later, they all met up with Venus, and became the Sailor Senshi Team!
Luna and Artemis aren't much of fighters. Sometimes they did use their teeth and claws, when the time was desperate! And Luna didn't exactly use any strategy, but she was responsible for getting Sailor Moon her transformation broach and the other Senshi their wands. She truly was somewhat the leader of the team, and often came through in tough times for the scouts!
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